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What is Precision Farming?

Precision farming has become more and more popular over the last decade as growers have realized how much money it can save them in costs, but also how much better their yields are when they use these new technologies.

SouthGen Solutions partners with growers to provide sub-acre level data that allows them to make decisions about what nutrients their plants need and when, so that they’re getting just enough water, fertilizer, or pesticide to maximize their output without wasting any resources.

Drones are one of the most common tools used in precision farming because they can capture images of fields at high resolutions while also gathering useful information such as soil composition or moisture levels. These drones are also be equipped with sensors that monitor crop health and growth rates so farmers can get real-time updates on how well their crops are doing throughout the growing season.

Our drones are able to collect sub-acre level data and help growers take full advantage of efficient growing methods like quick and accurate stand counts, data-informed herbicide application, mid season fertility management, growth regulators, harvest planning, and post season fertility management.

At SouthGen we are combine next generation aerial technology with more traditional crop monitoring techniques to ensure each of our growers receive the best information about their fields health throughout the growing cycle.



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